Source code for anamod.core.model_analyzer

"""Python API to analyze temporal models"""
from abc import ABC
import importlib
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import os
import sys

import anytree
from anytree.importer.jsonimporter import JsonImporter
import h5py
import numpy as np

from anamod.core import master, constants, model_loader
from anamod.core.feature import Feature

        **Common optional parameters:**

            output_dir: str, default: '{constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR}'
                Directory to write logs, intermediate files, and outputs to.

            num_permutations: int, default: {constants.DEFAULT_NUM_PERMUTATIONS}
                Number of permutations to perform in permutation test.

            permutation_test_statistic: str, choices: {constants.CHOICES_TEST_STATISTICS}, default: {constants.MEAN_LOSS}
                Test statistic to use for computing empirical p-values

            feature_names: list of strings, default: None
                List of names to be used assigned to features.

                If `None`, features will be identified using their indices as names.

                If :attr:`feature_hierarchy` is provided, names from that will be used instead.

            feature_hierarchy: anytree.Node object, default: None
                Hierarchy over features, defined as an anytree_ Node or a JSON file.
                anytree_ allows importing trees from multiple formats (Python dict, JSON)

                If no hierarchy is provided, a flat hierarchy will be auto-generated over base features.

                Supersedes :attr:`feature_names` for source of feature names.

                .. _anytree:

            visualize: bool, default: True
                Flag to control output visualization.

            seed: int, default: {constants.SEED}
                Seed for random number generator (used to order features to be analyzed).

            loss_function: str, choices: {constants.CHOICES_LOSS_FUNCTIONS}, default: None
                Loss function to apply to model outputs.
                If no loss function is specified, then quadratic loss is chosen for continuous targets
                and binary cross-entropy is chosen for binary targets.

            importance_significance_level: float, default: 0.1
                Significance level and FDR control level used for hypothesis testing to assess feature importance.

            compile_results_only: bool, default: False
                Flag to attempt to compile results only (assuming they already exist), skipping actually launching jobs.

        **HTCondor parameters:**

            condor: bool, default: False
                Flag to enable parallelization using HTCondor.
                Requires PyPI package htcondor to be installed.

            shared_filesystem: bool, default: False
                Flag to indicate a shared filesystem, making
                file/software transfer unnecessary for running condor.

            cleanup: bool, default: True
                Remove intermediate condor files upon completion (typically for debugging).
                Enabled by default to reduced space usage and clutter."

            features_per_worker: int, default: 1
                Number of features to test per condor job. Fewer features per job reduces job
                load at the cost of more jobs.
                TODO: If none provided, this will be chosen automatically to create up to 100 jobs.

            memory_requirement: int, default: 8
                Memory requirement in GB

            disk_requirement: int, default: 8
                Disk requirement in GB

            model_loader_filename: str, default: None
                Python script that provides functions to load/save model.
                Required for condor since each job runs in its own environment.
                If none is provided, cloudpickle will be used - see model_loader_ for a template.

                .. _model_loader:

            avoid_bad_hosts: bool, default: False
                Avoid condor hosts that intermittently give issues.
                Enable to reduce likelihood of failures at the cost of increased runtime.
                List of hosts: {constants.CONDOR_AVOID_HOSTS}

            retry_arbitrary_failures: bool, default: False
                Retry failing jobs due to any reason, up to a maximum of {constants.CONDOR_MAX_RETRIES} attempts per job.
                Use with caution - enable if failures stem from condor issues.

[docs]class ModelAnalyzer(ABC): """Analyzes properties of learned models.""" # pylint: disable = too-many-instance-attributes, line-too-long __doc__ += ( f""" **Required parameters:** model: object A model object that provides a 'predict' function that returns the model's predictions on input data, i.e. predictions = model.predict(data) For instance, this may be a simple wrapper around a scikit-learn or Tensorflow model. data: 2D numpy array Test data matrix of instances **x** features. targets: 1D numpy array A vector containing targets for each instance in the test data. {COMMON_DOC} {CONDOR_DOC} """) def __init__(self, model, data, targets, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs # Common optional parameters self.output_dir = self.process_keyword_arg("output_dir", constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR) self.perturbation = constants.PERMUTATION # Zeroing deprecated, removed option self.num_permutations = self.process_keyword_arg("num_permutations", constants.DEFAULT_NUM_PERMUTATIONS) self.permutation_test_statistic = self.process_keyword_arg("permutation_test_statistic", constants.MEAN_LOSS) self.feature_names = self.process_keyword_arg("feature_names", None) self.feature_hierarchy = self.process_keyword_arg("feature_hierarchy", None) self.visualize = self.process_keyword_arg("visualize", True) self.seed = self.process_keyword_arg("seed", constants.SEED) self.loss_function = self.process_keyword_arg("loss_function", None, constants.CHOICES_LOSS_FUNCTIONS) self.set_loss_function(targets) self.importance_significance_level = self.process_keyword_arg("importance_significance_level", 0.1) self.compile_results_only = self.process_keyword_arg("compile_results_only", False) # Deprecated analysis parameters # TODO: Remove these entirely from code self.analyze_interactions = False self.analyze_all_pairwise_interactions = False # pylint: disable = invalid-name # HTCondor parameters self.condor = self.process_keyword_arg("condor", False) self.shared_filesystem = self.process_keyword_arg("shared_filesystem", False) self.cleanup = self.process_keyword_arg("cleanup", True) self.features_per_worker = self.process_keyword_arg("features_per_worker", 1) self.memory_requirement = self.process_keyword_arg("memory_requirement", 8) self.disk_requirement = self.process_keyword_arg("disk_requirement", 32) self.model_loader_filename = self.process_keyword_arg("model_loader_filename", None) self.avoid_bad_hosts = self.process_keyword_arg("avoid_bad_hosts", True) self.retry_arbitrary_failures = self.process_keyword_arg("retry_arbitrary_failures", False) # Required parameters self.model = model = data self.targets = targets self.model_filename = "" self.data_filename = "" if self.condor: self.model_filename = self.gen_model_file(model) self.data_filename = self.gen_data_file(data, targets) self.analysis_type = constants.HIERARCHICAL self.gen_hierarchy(data) def process_keyword_arg(self, argname, default_value, choices=None): """Process keyword argument along with simple type validation""" value = self.kwargs.get(argname, default_value) dtype = type(default_value) try: if default_value is not None: value = dtype(value) assert choices is None or value in choices except Exception as exc: print(f"Usage:\n\n{self.__doc__}", file=sys.stderr) error = f"Invalid argument for keyword {argname}: {value}; default: {default_value}, type {dtype}" if choices is not None: error += f"; choices: {choices}" raise ValueError(error) from exc return value
[docs] def analyze(self): """ Performs feature importance analysis of model and returns feature objects. In addition, writes out: * a table summarizing feature importance: <output_dir>/feature_importance.csv * a visualization of the feature importance hierarchy: <output_dir>/feature_importance_hierarchy.png Returns ------- features: list <feature object> List of feature objects with feature importance attributes: * feature.important: flag to indicate whether or not the feature is important * feature.importance_score: degree of importance * feature.pvalue: p-value for importance test """ features = master.main(self) return features
def gen_model_file(self, model): """Generate model file""" if self.model_loader_filename is None: self.model_loader_filename = os.path.abspath(model_loader.__file__) model_filename = f"{self.output_dir}/{constants.MODEL_FILENAME}" assert os.path.exists(self.model_loader_filename), f"Model loader file {self.model_loader_filename} does not exist" dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(self.model_loader_filename)) sys.path.insert(1, dirname) loader = importlib.import_module(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) loader.save_model(model, model_filename) return model_filename def gen_data_file(self, data, targets): """Generate data file""" data_filename = f"{self.output_dir}/{constants.DATA_FILENAME}" root = h5py.File(data_filename, "w") num_instances = data.shape[0] record_ids = [str(idx).encode("utf8") for idx in range(num_instances)] root.create_dataset(constants.RECORD_IDS, data=record_ids) root.create_dataset(constants.DATA, data=data) root.create_dataset(constants.TARGETS, data=targets) root.close() return data_filename def gen_hierarchy(self, data): """ Create a new feature hierarchy: (i) from input hierarchy if available, and (ii) from feature set if not """ num_features = data.shape[1] if self.feature_hierarchy is None: # Create hierarchy if not available if self.feature_names is None: # Generate feature names if not available self.feature_names = [f"{idx}" for idx in range(num_features)] root = Feature(constants.DUMMY_ROOT, description=constants.DUMMY_ROOT, perturbable=False) # Dummy root node, shouldn't be perturbed for idx, feature_name in enumerate(self.feature_names): Feature(feature_name, parent=root, idx=[idx]) self.feature_hierarchy = root else: # TODO: Document real hierarchy with examples # Input hierarchy needs a list of indices assigned to all base features # Create hierarchy over features from input hierarchy if isinstance(self.feature_hierarchy, str): # JSON hierarchy - import to anytree try: importer = JsonImporter() with open(self.feature_hierarchy, encoding="utf-8") as hierarchy_file: self.feature_hierarchy = except JSONDecodeError as error: raise ValueError(f"Feature hierarchy {self.feature_hierarchy} does not appear to be a valid JSON file:") from error assert isinstance(self.feature_hierarchy, anytree.node.nodemixin.NodeMixin), "Feature hierarchy does not appear to be a valid JSON file or an anytree node" feature_nodes = {} all_idx = set() # Parse and validate input hierarchy for node in anytree.PostOrderIter(self.feature_hierarchy): idx = [] if node.is_leaf: valid = (hasattr(node, "idx") and isinstance(node.idx, list) and len(node.idx) >= 1 and all(isinstance(node.idx[i], int) for i in range(len(node.idx)))) assert valid, f"Leaf node {} must contain a non-empty list of integer indices under attribute 'idx'" assert not all_idx.intersection(node.idx), f"Leaf node {} has index overlap with other leaf nodes" idx = node.idx all_idx.update(idx) else: # Ensure internal nodes have empty initial indices valid = not hasattr(node, "idx") or not node.idx assert valid, f"Internal node {} must have empty initial indices under attribute 'idx'" description = getattr(node, "description", "") feature_nodes[] = Feature(, description=description, idx=idx) # Update feature group (internal node) indices and tree connections assert min(all_idx) >= 0 and max(all_idx) < num_features, "Feature indices in hierarchy must be in range [0, num_features - 1]" feature_node = None for node in anytree.PostOrderIter(self.feature_hierarchy): feature_node = feature_nodes[] parent = node.parent if parent: feature_node.parent = feature_nodes[] for child in node.children: feature_node.idx += feature_nodes[].idx self.feature_hierarchy = Feature(constants.DUMMY_ROOT, children=[feature_node], perturbable=False) # Dummy root node for consistency with flat hierarchy; last feature_node is original root def set_loss_function(self, targets): """Set loss function if not provided based on inferred model type""" if self.loss_function is not None: return num_unique_targets = np.unique(targets).shape[0] if num_unique_targets == 2: self.loss_function = constants.BINARY_CROSS_ENTROPY elif num_unique_targets > len(targets) / 10: self.loss_function = constants.QUADRATIC_LOSS else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to infer loss function automatically; number of unique targets: {num_unique_targets}; " f"set loss_function to one of '{constants.CHOICES_LOSS_FUNCTIONS}'")
[docs]class TemporalModelAnalyzer(ModelAnalyzer): """Analyzes properties of learned temporal models.""" __doc__ += ( f""" **Required parameters:** model: object A model object that provides a 'predict' function that returns the model's predictions on input data, i.e. predictions = model.predict(data) For instance, this may be a simple wrapper around a scikit-learn or Tensorflow model. data: 3D numpy array Test data tensor of instances **x** features **x** sequences. targets: 1D numpy array A vector containing targets for each instance in the test data. **Temporal model analysis parameters:** window_search_algorithm: str, choices: {constants.CHOICES_WINDOW_SEARCH_ALGORITHM}, default: '{constants.EFFECT_SIZE}' Search algorithm to use to search for relevant window (TODO: document). window_effect_size_threshold: float, default: 0.01 Fraction of total feature importance (effect size) permitted outside window while searching for relevant window. {COMMON_DOC} {CONDOR_DOC} """) def __init__(self, model, data, targets, **kwargs): super().__init__(model, data, targets, **kwargs) self.analysis_type = constants.TEMPORAL # Temporal model analysis parameters self.window_search_algorithm = self.process_keyword_arg("window_search_algorithm", constants.EFFECT_SIZE, constants.CHOICES_WINDOW_SEARCH_ALGORITHM) # TODO: Automatic proportional selection of window effect size threshold w.r.t. sequence length self.window_effect_size_threshold = self.process_keyword_arg("window_effect_size_threshold", 0.01)
[docs] def analyze(self): """ Performs feature importance analysis of model and returns feature objects. In addition, writes out: * a table summarizing feature importance: <output_dir>/feature_importance.csv * a visualization of important windows: <output_dir>/feature_importance_windows.png Returns ------- features: list <feature object> List of feature objects with feature importance attributes: * feature.important: flag to indicate whether the feature is important * feature.importance_score: degree of importance * feature.pvalue: p-value for importance test * feature.ordering_important: flag to indicate whether the feature's overall ordering is important * feature.ordering_pvalue: p-value for overall ordering importance test * feature.window: (left, right) timestep boundaries of important window (0-indexed) * feature.window_important: flag to indicate whether the window is important * feature.window_importance_score: degree of importance of window * feature.window_pvalue: p-value for window importance test * feature.window_ordering_important: flag to indicate whether ordering within the window is important * feature.window_ordering_pvalue: p-value for window ordering importance test """ # pylint: disable = useless-super-delegation return super().analyze()